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Build a movement of Melburnians

A groundswell of Melbourne residents, businesses and organisations (like you!) who know we can and should end homelessness in our city spark changetaking actions, influencing our communities, and creating momentum for systemic changes. 

Evidence progress towards zero

Expand the hyperlocal collective impact Zero methodology to end rough sleeping across more Melbourne council areas, showcasing the benefits for people experiencing homelessness, residents, businesses, and the service system – and sharing learnings.


Spark policy and systems change

Our voices and actions demonstrate community support and confidence for lasting policy and systemic changes more social housing, long-term supportive housing,tailored wraparound support services, and resourcing for frontline homelessness services. 

Zero rough sleeping in Melbourne 

2030: Our target to reach zero rough sleeping in our city, creating a city that's liveable, for all of us. 

Melbourne, zero homelessness is possible!   
