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How can I get my local council involved?


Find out what your local council is doing to increase affordable housing and end homelessness. Seek out a council contact in the areas of Community Development/ Partnerships/ Wellbeing/ Safety, Municipal Recovery, Social Strategy or Social and Affordable Housing.  
Emailing them is a great first step to show local community interest and support while being looped into changes near you.   

Here's a few questions to help kick off your inquiries:  

  • What are council’s plans to increase affordable housing and end homelessness?How is this coordinated with others inc nearby councils? 
  •  Will the number of people sleeping rough in our LGA be housed by the new social housing coming to our area through Victoria’s ‘Big Build’? If not, what else is council doing to ensure people sleeping rough in our LGA can move rapidly into long term housing?   
  • What is council doing to de-stigmatise social housing, especially public housing?  
  • How can I  and other residents help with the above? 


And don’t forget if they’re doing a great job, let them know!  


If you are from a Melbourne council and would like to know more about the Advance to Zero / Functional Zero methodology, email us at [email protected].